Basic Instrument Maneuvers
Two basic methods used for learning attitude instrument flying are:
1. Control and performance - Aircraft is flown in instrument flight by controlling the attitude and power, as necessary, to produce the desired performance.
2. Primary and supporting - Which instruments are primary/supporting for a given IFR maneuver or flight regime
Discuss maneuvers to be flown with student and the power settings used for each
Flight Content
- Takeoff, then under hood at 200 feet
- Constant airspeed climbs (with turns) - full power
- Level off - reduce to cruise power
- Constant rate descent (with turns) - power at student discretion
- Constant rate climb (with turns)
- Constant airspeed descent (with turns)

Common Mistakes
- Reducing (or not increasing) power during climb
- Failing to complete climb checklist
- Failing to reduce power for cruise
- Chasing descent and climb rates on VSI
- Chasing airspeeds
- Fixation
- Omission
- Failure to compensate for turn during constant rate/airspeed climbs and descents
Practical Test Standards
- Altitude +/- 100 feet
- Heading +/- 10°
- Airspeed +/- 10 knots